Watlington Primary School

Watlington Primary School

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Jono Lancaster visits Year 5 and 6

Over the last few weeks, the Red Kites, Golden Eagles and Swallows have been looking at the book ‘Wonder’. We have been learning about Treacher Collins Syndrome and how it affects a the main character from the book, Auggie.

Treacher Collins is a syndrome that only affects the face. Most of the time the cheekbones don’t develop properly and this can make the eyes look ‘droopy’.

This Tuesday we had a visitor in Year 5 and 6 whose name is Jono Lancaster. Jono has TCS and has set up a charity to help other carriers get the operations they need. He travels the world to help children who cannot afford the treatment they desperately need. In assembly, Jono gave an inspiring speech about his life growing up with TCS. Years 5 and 6 have been having cake sales, the whole school have been collecting penny pots and on Friday we will all be dressing in blue to raise even more money for the charity.

Thank you to all of those who have already donated.

Ciaran, Shayne and Dan