Watlington Primary School

Watlington Primary School

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Jono Lancaster

The whole school were delighted to welcome Jono Lancaster today. Jono came to speak to us as part of our anti-bullying week. He explained about Treacher Collins Syndrome and some of the experiences he had whilst growing up with the condition. All of the children were really fascinated to hear about how he overcame bullying - and became a stronger person as a result! What an inspiration.

Over recent weeks, the classes have been carrying out various fundraising activities to collect money for the Treacher Collins charity set up by Jono. Red Kites, Golden Eagles and Swallows have had a cake sale; penny pots have been collected by children across the school and we will be donating any monies raised on Friday's non-uniform sale to the charity. A grand total will be announced as soon as possible.

Thank you to all the children, parents, families and friends of the school for making such a positive contribution towards Treacher Collins. More photos to follow.