Watlington Primary School

Watlington Primary School

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Castle Head Day 2

Thankfully, the weather has vastly improved as today has gone on: from clouds and drizzle this morning, to blue sky and sunshine this afternoon. We have been split in to three groups and will spend the week rotating through a variety of activities.

Two groups started off pond dipping, using scientific keys to identify and classify all of the pond life, which was fascinating. Some children found pregnant shrimps; others enjoyed looking at the water boatmen, beetle larvae, worms and dragonfly larvae.

Rock climbing was the highlight of the day for many: Kitty P in particular!! She zoomed up the rock face with a huge smile and enthusiasm. Elizabeth “loved the view because it was stunning”. Ella B told us she really developed her perseverance skills, keeping on going when climbing got hard. We realised how important it was that we trusted one another, as we were all responsible for holding the ropes tight and looking after each other’s safety. Rock climbing always pushes us to our limits, demonstrating how we can achieve our goals.

Some spent the afternoon in groups of 3 on Canadian canoes. We cooperated like a real-life boating team, using good communication and team work. Clare liked how it got “very competitive” when we all had to race to get back. We worked hard developing our determination (and strength!) to reach the end.

This evening’s activities involved being blindfolded on the night line. Tia felt that the senses of sight, sound and feel were particularly useful for this task. The laughter and excitement was infectious.

We are now all in our PJ’s listening to Mrs Sanigar read the next couple of chapters from ‘Wonder’, our exciting new page-turner, admiring the beautiful views and sunset from the huge windows in the common room.

Keep your eye out for more updates tomorrow!